Friday, February 5, 2010

That's Very Hot: Choco Boy and Random thoughts on a Friday

First of all, I want to share with you something that's making me laugh lately. It's funny, sometimes in a weird, gay awkward way but it's addictive! It's probably the background beat, it's very hypnotizing. At times, I find myself dancing and saying
"That's very hot! That's very hot!"

I haven't been blogging much lately and that's because I want to give you guys polished posts. Or informative posts... I need inspiration so for now, random ramblings will have to do

  • I won that 7 for mankind calendar that was being given out at some website I am following. Hahaha! I told you I love joining contests.
  • I am so happy because I found out that my old scanner is working! Yay! FInally! ( Well I did change to XP from Vista...when I was using Vista-- the program said it was incompatible and won't run!) This one is a great discovery because I needed a scanned copy of my passport sent out before 5 pm. I was so relieved and happy!
  • MY cable TV has a new channel. Yay! I just discovered we got FOX Asia. How awesome is that? Dear cable company, you rock! Yesterday, I saw The Simpsons, White Collar, The Unit, Reaper...
  • I love spam! I had some spam and some Christmas Ham sauce to go with it. Here in the Philippines, we have this condiment we mix with rice when we don't want to eat it dry. The sweet Christmas Ham sauce was a great contrast to the Spam's saltiness. (Not a food connoisseur, I just like sweet and salty foods)Not very healthy, eat only once a month, or twice if you really must.
  • I think we finally hit Summer Season, the days are hot but sometimes at night, it's windy. I like it though... Not sooo hot, my fan can still handle it. ^^
  • Down with Love was great! It was funny, romantic and crazy. You should check it out at MY SOJU! It's funny and I die a little when Jerry flashes that dimple (fan girl much?)

Hahahah! Well that's it my dear friends. Let me go and look for something interesting to write! ^^

*edit: I forgot to be excited for the return of CSI Las Vegas! My fave character is back!!! Sarah Sidle!!! Yay! And this season She's Sarah Sidle-Grisom!!!! Yay!!!!*


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