Thursday, February 11, 2010

Blog Watch: A Singapore Taxi Driver's Diary

Riding a cab is like gambling. Sometimes lady luck is on your side and you get kind, talkative drivers and sometimes, well you get hustled out of your hard earn money.

When I visit my sister in Singapore, we take a lot of taxi rides. It's great cause I'm with her but when it's my time to head out to the airport to go home... I get worried because I ride the cab alone.

I'm painfully shy and when I am not spoken to, will not talk to strangers. Don't get me wrong, when you smile at me and talk to me--I will talk to you too. But I am not the type to start conversations. >.<

Visit Uncle Cai at

He has a simple blog layout, but the content of his blog is priceless. Some said it's like chicken soup for the soul penned by a former scientist-turned Singapore cab driver.

I's really a good read...

Reminded me when I was heading home to the Philippines April of 2008. I had to take the cab by myself to the airport. Usually, I don't give tips to cab drivers but uncle who brought me to the airport in less than 30 minutes deserved the 10 dollars he got from me. He was very kind and comforting. I think that was the best cab ride of my life.


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